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                Welcome Xinghua Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd.!

                • MAIL US: yjd690@vip.sina.com
                • CALL US: +86-13852898298
                Factory price supply   exquisite quality

                Tomato dicing machine

                The powerful manufacturer manufactures research and development equipment, high quality and low price, tomato slicer, multi-blade angle oblique section cutting, large output, tomato slicer, equipment can also be streamlined, small size, high-quality motor, simple operation, stock supply

                Years of industry experience    support product customization

                Product details
                Factory price supply   exquisite quality

                Bubble cleaning machine

                Ring speed bubble cleaning machine, safe bacteria control, energy saving and consumption reduction, through the hair removal device, the floating matter removal device, the filter conveying device, the cleaning is convenient, the cleaning effect is thorough, safe and hygienic,

                Years of industry experience    support product customization

                Product details
                Factory price supply   exquisite quality

                Drum cleaning machine

                Drum cleaning machine, casting cleaning machine, automatic industrial cleaning machine, specializing in the production of ultrasonic spray cleaning machine, hydrocarbon spray cleaning machine, ultrasonic equipment oil cleaning machine, rust cleaning machine, strong decontamination, professional manufacturer

                Years of industry experience    support product customization

                Product details
                Factory price supply   exquisite quality

                Multilayer belt dryer

                The drying area, air pressure, air volume, and drying temperature can be adjusted. The speed of the mesh belt can be adjusted. The machine uses a scientific and reasonable cycle method to complete the entire drying process smoothly and efficiently, which is safe and environmentally friendly, energy saving and consumption reduction

                Years of industry experience    support product customization

                Product details
                Factory price supply   exquisite quality

                Circular vibrating screen

                It is a multi-layer, high-efficiency new vibrating screen. It has the characteristics of reliable structure, strong excitation force, high screening efficiency, low vibration noise, sturdiness and durability, convenient maintenance, safe use, etc. The vibrating screen can be customized production

                Years of industry experience    support product customization

                Product details
                Factory price supply   exquisite quality

                One-type winnowing machine

                Main purpose: It is suitable for the separation and separation of Chinese medicinal materials and decoction pieces, semi-finished products or finished products. It can separate heavy objects (sundry) in materials and classify materials according to different proportions. Main features: automatic feeding, continuous operation, frequency conversion stepless speed regulation

                Years of industry experience    support product customization

                Product details

                Latest Products

                Adhere to customer first, reputation first, accompanied by thoughtful and perfect after-sales service, efficient and comprehensive quality control

                Factory direct supply

                The company faces the market and develops mechanical equipment that adapts to various process performances

                Sufficient inventory

                Produced by our own powerful factory, many years of manufacturing experience, sufficient inventory

                Support customization

                Equipment source manufacturer, mature technology, professional design, support customization

                Quality Assurance

                Mature technology, exquisite workmanship, environmental protection, low energy consumption, stable operation


                Xinghua Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd., formerly known as (Xinghua Jinggong Dehydration Machinery Factory), has been engaged in the research and development and production of food, medicinal and vegetable machinery since the 1990s.  Detailed introduction

                News information

                More information about the latest professional product parameters, real-time quotations, market conditions, high-quality goods wholesale, suppliers and other information related to vegetable dehydration equipment

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