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                How to maintain the vegetable washing machine reasonably?

                2021-05-24 16:05 Hits:277

                he daily adjustment and maintenance of vegetable washing machines are essential.

                (1) Belt adjustment: 1. Implement after the motor stops. 2. At the middle of the two belt pulleys, take the fingers (middle finger and index finger) to press the belt compression amount to be 7-12mm as the standard value. 3. When greater than the standard value, adjust the idler to the specified tightness.

                (2) Chain adjustment: 1. Implement after the motor stops. 2. Press the chain with your fingers (middle finger and index finger) in the middle of the two sprockets, and the compression amount is 4-9mm as the standard value. 3. When exceeding the standard value, adjust the idler to the specified tightness.

                (3) Refueling and replacement of the oil of the continuously variable gearbox: 1. Stop the motor and prohibit fireworks. 2. Use Guoguang brand #90. 3. Remove the oil check plug, the oil has just flowed out to an appropriate amount, and replenish it when it is insufficient.

                (4) Methods of long-term storage: 1. Wash the soil and other objects attached to each part with water and dry it with a cloth. 2. The sundries and vegetable leaves entangled with the rotating parts, belts, chains, etc., should be completely removed. 3. Each rotating part and friction driving part are fully oiled to prevent rust. 4. Each chain is fully oiled to prevent rust.

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