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                The change law of crushing feeding speed and crushing time on the particle size of Astragalus

                Ultrafine pulverization technology is a new technology that has been developed rapidly in order to meet the high requirements of modern industrial, electronic, ...

                Vegetable washing line is used as ingredients for food processing and processed for clean vegetable disposal

                Vegetables are good for the body and are called green foods. However, with the development of pesticides in recent years, many people have used pesticides to pr...

                Working principle of roller scraper dryer

                In the current drying industry, drying equipment can be divided into four categories according to different heating methods, namely: convection drying equipment...

                How to install and test the vegetable dehydrator

                The use of vegetable dehydrator to pre-process vegetables is a common practice in vegetable deep processing. The dried vegetables have incomparable advantages o...

                How to maintain the vegetable washing machine reasonably?

                he daily adjustment and maintenance of vegetable washing machines are essential.(1) Belt adjustment: 1. Implement after the motor stops. 2. At the middle of the...

                How to solve the following problems in stainless steel chain plates

                How to solve the following problems in stainless steel chain plates Any product that has been used for a long time will have some minor problems, and stainless ...