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                How to solve the following problems in stainless steel chain plates

                2021-05-24 16:05 Hits:275

                How to solve the following problems in stainless steel chain plates

                  Any product that has been used for a long time will have some minor problems, and stainless steel chain plates are no exception. We must deal with these minor problems before we can carry out the following work and ensure its normal operation. Then let’s take a look at its common problems. :

                     1. The phenomenon of chain jumping occurs on the stainless steel chain plate. If the operation is unstable, check whether the sprockets at both ends of the drive shaft are synchronized and whether the tooth ends are excessively worn.

                     2. The stainless steel chain plate appears to be off-track. The tension shaft at one end of the driven shaft should be adjusted slowly, and fast adjustment should not be avoided, causing the edge of the mesh belt to be scratched.

                     3. The stainless steel chain plate shakes. The conveyor frame and the rollers in the conveyor tunnel should be checked for corrosion and rotation resistance, and adjusted one by one.

                     The above are some common problems with stainless steel chain plates. When the above phenomenon occurs, it should not be ignored or left alone. It should be stopped immediately and checked in time to find out the cause and solution of the problem. In order to ensure that our stainless steel chain plates will have better efficiency and operation in the future.

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