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                Welcome Xinghua Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd.!

                • MAIL US: yjd690@vip.sina.com
                • CALL US: +86-13852898298

                   Xinghua Yugong Machinery Co., Ltd., formerly known as (Xinghua Jinggong Dehydration Machinery Factory), has been engaged in the research and development and production of food, medicinal and vegetable machinery since the 1990s. The company is located in District 4, Zhaoyang Industrial Park, Development Zone, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province. For a long time, the company has been oriented to the market and centered on the needs of customers. It has tried its best to develop machinery and equipment that can adapt to various process performances, thereby meeting the needs of customers. The products are sold well in Southeast Asia and are favored by customers at home and abroad.

                    1. The pre-processing equipment includes: chives, fruits and vegetables (net chain, plate chain), cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, cyanidation, cooling, spray production line, ice water cooling tank, bubble cleaning machine, chain bucket disinfection and sterilization Bacteria and decal production line, brush roller cleaning and peeling machine, emery potato peeling machine, garlic and ginger peeling machine, garlic splitting machine, garlic air peeling machine, YG-350 three-dimensional dicing machine, two-dimensional cutting machine , YG-550 variable frequency adjustable multi-purpose vegetable cutting machine, YG-500 horizontal garlic, ginger directional slicer, platform directional slicer, spiral blanching machine, centrifugal water spinner, powder mixer, various feeding machines, lifting machine.

                    2. Drying equipment includes: box dryer, tunnel dryer, chain plate and flap dryer.

                    3. The sorting equipment includes: air shower room, stem and leaf winnowing machine, YG-800 crushing machine, sorting machine, circular vibrating screen, linear vibrating screen, vibrating drain machine, high-voltage static hair foreign body removal machine, metal detection machine.

                In addition, the company can also provide plant planning, process design and supply, installation and commissioning of complete production lines for new enterprises.

                     After years of accumulation and continuous development and innovation, Yugong Machinery adheres to the development philosophy of "professionalism, dedication, passion, and innovation", adheres to the customer-oriented, credit-first service principle, and uses its own technical advantages to solve The most urgent and practical needs of users, with high-quality products and advanced technology to provide users with perfect services.

                    The company insists on customer first, reputation first, accompanied by thoughtful and perfect after-sales service, and efficient and comprehensive quality control. We are willing to cooperate with colleagues at home and abroad, and warmly welcome friends from all walks of life to visit and inspect our company, and seek common development plans!